Sunday, July 3, 2016

Wizard Magazines - remember them!?!

It's been a while since I last posted.  During this hiatus, I discovered various communities on Google+ and other internet websites.  I learned about about which artists and comics were in high demand.  I became a bit of a speculator from time to time.  But I also became a little more discerning in what I wanted to have for my personal collection.  Collecting really is all about what makes you happy, and this hobby should be fun.  I have certain comics on my "want list," but I also have a budget, and what I am reminded during this time is that, like any investment strategy, I have a risk comfort level beyond which I dare not venture.

This hobby is my escape.  It recharges me.  I don't smoke and rarely drink.  When I discover a hard-to-find comic or a "hot" book in the wild, I chalk it up to being 50% lucky, 25% persistent, and 25% aware.  When I say aware, I mean that the time spent researching and reading anything shared by other comic book hunters often pays off when I come across an unrecognized gem tucked inside a neglected long box.

So here I am today, on a Sunday morning, and I'd like to share what I recently found:

Yeah, boy!  Wizard magazines, #83 and #94!  With covers by Adam Hughes!  And they are still polybagged!  Are the worth anything?  Maybe.  If you go to Hughes's website at, you can see that he is retailing his other Wizard cover for $15.00.  On eBay, the unpolybagged #83 sells for around $4.00 while #94 had a recent polybagged version sell for about $10.  #94 has two covers:  the one by Hughes, and another with Mike Meyers as Dr. Evil.  I don't know what print runs are, but I am assuming that the AH! version is probably 1/2 the print run for #83.  So I am going to value my finds at about $10-15 each.  Not bad considering I paid a dollar each.  And I love Adam Hughes.  So win, win!

So here is how research helped me when I came across boxes of old Wizard magazines:  I remembered reading about the AH! covers from a June 8, 2015 posting found on the Comic Book Speculation and Investing website,

What will these be worth one year, five or ten years from now?  Who knows.  But that's the fun of collecting.  Maybe you'll see these on eBay soon.  If so, then I'll really know what the market value will be!

Have a great hunt, readers.

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