Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why can't love be easy? 'Cause I'm a superhero and so are you...

One of the joys of reading comics from the 1970s is discovering how melodramatic these stories could end up becoming.  Daredevil had a pretty intense relatioship with Natasha Romanov, aka The Black Widow, during the early 70s, as he moved back and forth between NYC and San Francisco while trying to figure out how to make this independent woman of the Women's Lib movement happy.  One moment she was proud to be his partner, the next she felt smothered.  It finally came to a head in Daredevil #124 when she decided she had to break up with him: 

Art by Gene Colan. 

I can't help but shed a tear.  Sometimes I wish I could have a public argument with my wife while wearing long underwear and a mask.  Then the world can understand how deep I am.


  1. After reading your post I did some searching on the internet on the Daredevil /Black Widow relationship and came across this image...

    which reminded me of this current 2013 image that has set parts of the comic book world aflutter...

    and I marvel(wink, wink) at how progressive we've become in 40 years or so.

    (Sorry I don't know how to post images in the comments section although in this case it may be better that way.)

  2. Ha ha! I mean, from a male, chauvanist perspective.
